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Brand Guide

Our brand explained; and guidance on how to refer to our company, products and services.

Naming conventions


Global / default

    • Surpass Assessment is the name of both our UK and US companies.
    • After first using the full name, it can be shortened to Surpass.
    • Alternatively you can refer to the business with “us” / “we” / “our services” etc.
    • Powering Assessment is our tagline used in the logo.

Example: “Surpass Assessment is a global provider of assessment solutions … you’ll be glad your exams are powered by Surpass.”

UK company-specific

    • Conventional: Surpass’ UK office Surpass Assessment’s UK office
    • Formal: Surpass Assessment UK
    • Legal (only used when legally required): BTL Group Ltd. (trading as Surpass Assessment)

Example [legal document]: “BTL Group Ltd. (trading as Surpass Assessment) will be referred to as Surpass Assessment UK in this document.”

US company-specific

    • Conventional: Surpass’ US office Surpass Assessment’s US office
    • Formal: Surpass Assessment US
    • Legal (only used when legally required): Surpass Assessment Inc.

Example: “The team at the Surpass US office can help you with your enquiry.”


Surpass Platform

    • Our main assessment software is now the Surpass Platform.
    • After first using the full name, it can be referred to in short by just Surpass, or the Platform.
    • If referring to it as just Surpass, it should be clear that you are talking about the product, not the company.

Example: “You can use the Surpass Platform for creating tests … find out how our customers use the Platform for their assessment programme … you’ll find amazing features in Surpass.”

Other Surpass products

    • Product names are prefixed with ‘Surpass’.
    • The ‘Surpass’ prefix is followed by a space, then the product name should be written as one word with capital letters and no spaces (e.g. Surpass SecureMarker, Surpass Viewer).
    • Within context, product names can be referred to in short by dropping the ‘Surpass’ prefix (e.g. SecureMarker, Viewer).

Example: “You can use Surpass SecureMarker for securely marking tests … SecureMarker is available to all customers.”

Candidate-facing products

    • If products are predominantly used by candidates, they will not be branded ‘Surpass’.
    • Their name is written as one word with capital letters and no spaces (e.g. SecureClientScheduler).


    • Service names are prefixed with ‘Surpass’.
    • Their name is written as separate words with capital letters (e.g. Surpass Test Delivery Services).
    • ‘Surpass’ does not have to be included when referring to the service, but in this case it should not be capitalised (e.g. test delivery services).

Example: “Speak to the team today to discuss Surpass Test Delivery Services … we offer a range of test delivery services.”



  • Surpass Assessment (aka. Surpass)

Surpass products and services

  • Surpass Platform (aka. Surpass or the Platform)
  • Surpass SecureMarker (aka. SecureMarker)
  • Surpass Viewer (aka. the Viewer)
  • Surpass Copilot (aka. Copilot)
  • UK spelling: Surpass Test Centre Network (aka. the Test Centre Network) / US spelling: Surpass Test Center Network (aka. the Test Center Network)
  • Surpass Test Delivery Services (aka. test delivery services)
    • This applies to all services

Candidate-facing products and services

  • SecureClient (aka. SecureClient for Windows / SecureClient for iPad)
  • Scheduler

Logo brand map